
Earning your RIMS-CRMP makes you a recognized expert and leader in the risk management discipline—and a valuable asset to your organization, keeping you and your organization more competitive in today's economy. This professional distinction sets you apart from your colleagues, demonstrating your high level of knowledge, skills and experience.

You must login to start the application. If you do not have a RIMS login account, you must create one first. To create an account, click "Login" and then "Create One Now".

This application is the first step toward earning the RIMS Certified Risk Management Professional (RIMS-CRMP) credential. Please read and complete each section fully and accurately. All qualifying employment experience and education must be completed at the time the application is submitted. The completed application and full payment must be received in the RIMS-CRMP office. Receipt of your application will be acknowledged within 15 business days.

There is no membership requirement to apply for the RIMS-CRMP exam, and RIMS members and nonmembers will be evaluated equally on the application and subsequent examination. The RIMS-CRMP Program does not discriminate on any basis including race, sex, age, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, or disability. Additional information on program requirements, policies, and procedures is available in the RIMS-CRMP Candidate Handbook and at RIMS-CRMP@rims.org. Requests for testing accommodations pursuant to the ADA should be made by the time of registration. For further assistance, contact RIMS-CRMP staff at 212-655-6037 or RIMS-CRMP@rims.org.