RISKWORLD 2022: Awards & Honors
NEW YORK (April 11, 2022) — RIMS, the risk management society®, today announced the winners of its series of industry awards presented during RISKWORLD™, RIMS rebranded annual conference and exhibition. The awards were presented by RIMS leadership during the conference’s Awards Luncheon and Leadership Keynote in San Francisco.
RIMS most prestigious honor, the Harry and Dorothy Goodell Award, was presented to Lance Ewing, Vice President of Enterprise Risk Management and Operations for the San Manuel Band of Mission Indians. This honor pays tribute to an individual who has furthered the goals of the Society and the risk management discipline through outstanding service and achievement.
RIMS Risk Manager of the Year and Risk Management Honor Roll aim to raise the profile of the risk management profession and the outstanding programs practitioners have implemented within their organizations. This year’s Risk Manager of the Year is Courtney Davis Curtis, Assistant Vice President, Risk Management and Resilience Planning for University of Chicago. RIMS Risk Management Honor Roll inducted Jana Utter, Vice President Enterprise Risk Management for Centene Corporation.
The Ron Judd “Heart of RIMS” Award pays tribute to the legacy of Ron Judd, who served as the RIMS Executive Director for 22 years. Individuals are nominated by chapters for outstanding performance in furthering risk management at the chapter level. This year’s Heart of RIMS recipient is Lori Seidenberg, Director and Global Head of Real Assets Insurance Risk Management for BlackRock, Inc. and the current president of RIMS New York Chapter.
The RIMS Rising Star Award honors up-and-coming risk management professionals under the age of 35 or who have seven or less years of professional experience in the industry. This year, Charles Vu, Enterprise Risk Supervisor for California’s State Compensation Insurance Fund, was honored for demonstrating exceptional initiative, volunteerism, professional development, achievement and leadership potential.
RIMS Chapter of the Year Award was presented to RIMS Atlanta Chapter for going above and beyond to deliver exceptional resources, programming and opportunities to local members in 2021. Accepting on behalf of the chapter was Atlanta Chapter President Tamieka Weeks, Manager of Insurance Risk for Southwire Company.
RIMS ECHO Awards – Enhancing CHapter Outcomes – honors chapters that have successfully aligned their programming with RIMS strategic priorities to innovate, develop, engage and advocate for the global risk management community. RIMS 2022 ECHO Award chapters are RIMS Chicago, RIMS Nevada, RIMS Upstate New York and RIMS Washington.
Launched in 1963, RIMS annual conference, now RISKWORLD, has routinely attracted some 10,000 risk and insurance professionals at all experience levels, business executives with risk management interests, brokers, insurers and service providers for the ultimate educational and networking experience. In past years, the four-day event has offered more than 160 educational sessions, keynote presentations, special events and an expansive Marketplace Exhibit Hall with nearly 400 exhibitors. To learn more about RISKWORLD or to register, visit
About RIMS
RIMS, the risk management society®, is a global professional association committed to advancing the practice of risk management throughout the world. We bring networking, professional development, certification, and education opportunities to our membership of 10,000 risk management professionals in over 60 countries. Founded in 1950, the Society represents more than 3,500 industrial, service, nonprofit, charitable and government entities throughout the world. To access RIMS Risk Knowledge resource library and for additional information about the Society, visit
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