Professional Development Podcasts
RIMS audio podcasts provide quick and helpful insights and practical, easy to implement ideas on various topics and issues important to risk managers. RIMS is happy to provide these informational podcast free of charge. In addition, RIMS has launched a new podcast series called RIMSCast.
Listen to RIMSCastGetting the Most from your Case Management Investment
Medical and disability case management services can improve outcomes – but only if they are managed effectively. In this program we will explore the most effective methods of engagement to ensure that the appropriate services are requested, that unnecessary services are avoided, and that the case manager selected has pertinent expertise.
Learn MoreManaging Project Risks
Thinking of project risk, you should be with all the recent events such as the BP Disaster, US Federal Highway Stimulus projects, Green Energy, and many other projects impacting our economy and the rest of the world. Project risk management provides the tools and techniques for any project or risk manager to manage the risks associated with any type of project. Managing project risks will bring projects under control, save money, improve quality and drive company revenue. Risk and project managers will be seen as leaders in delivering quality and cost benefit projects.
Learn MoreD&O Issues: Part 1
In recent years shareholder derivative action, typically based upon a breach of fiduciary duty claim against the D&O's, have become much more common. As distinct from shareholder class actions, settlements or judgments owed by the D&O's in derivative claims may not be indemnifiable by the corporation, so these claims must be covered under Side A of the D&O policy. If plaintiff's attorney's fees are part of the derivative settlement, are they covered by the policy?
Learn MoreBusiness Continuity Management (BCM) Series: Part 1
How to use BCM to promote enterprise risk management (ERM).
Learn MoreBusiness Continuity Management (BCM) Series: Part 3
Follow whatever comes out of public law 110-53.
Learn MoreBusiness Continuity Management (BCM) Full Series
Learn how BCM can promote enterprise risk management, improve your insurance coverage, public law 110-53, refine your value proposition, and enhance vital records identification and protection and improve e-discovery capabilities.
Learn MoreInfluenza A(H1N1) and Pandemic Plan of Action: Part 1
As the A(H1N1) epidemic continues to dominate headlines worldwide, it is getting more difficult to separate facts from fear. Listen as Risk Management magazine's Bill Coffin gets the inside story from Michael Liebowitz, director of risk management and insurance at New York University and past president of RIMS. How bad will influenza A(H1N1) really get? What are the insurance implications? And what can be done to manage the risk swine flu poses to companies large and small?
Learn MoreCaptives in Today’s Environment
There are a variety of reasons for forming captives. In this podcast, Frank Strenk, Senior Vice President of Risk Management and Mark Morris, Vice President, Lockton Companies share insights on what to take into account when considering forming a captive. They explore the role of captives and expanded use in today’s changing markets.
Learn MoreBusiness Continuity Management (BCM) Series:: Part 5
Embrace the opportunity to enhance vital records identification and protection and improve e-discovery capabilities at the same time.
Learn MoreD&O Issues: Part 3
Virtually all D&O policies contain exclusion for a claim made by one insured versus another. For example, if two directors sue each other, the I v. I exclusion would cause the D&O insurance policy not to respond. What is the rationale for this exclusion; what are some common exceptions to this exclusion; and what important exceptions are available simply for the asking with no additional premium?
Learn MoreBusiness Continuity Management (BCM) Series: Part 4
Use the economic pullback to refine your value proposition.
Learn MoreBusiness Continuity Management (BCM) Series: Part 2
Can your BCM program improve your insurance coverage?
Learn MoreD&O Issues: Part 2
Should the D&O policy contain coverage for in-house lawyers for legal malpractice claims?
Learn MoreInfluenza A(H1N1) and Pandemic Plan of Action: Part 2
With all the hype surrounding the current influenza A(H1N1) outbreak, it is helpful to understand that while business continuity challenges associated with a communicable disease outbreak include many of the same elements as a traditional business continuity program, there are also many differences. In this podcast, Risk Management magazines’ Bill Coffin interviews Michael Keating, business continuity practice director for Navigant Consulting. Topics addressed include, how to deal with misinformation and confusion within the government, human resource challenges, and legal issues related to pandemics that do not materialize in “common” business interruptions.
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RIMSCast comes to you from Conference Room B at RIMS headquarters in New York City. This program speaks with the leading experts in the risk world, and has important news and updates from your favorite risk management association.
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