2021 RIMS Risk Management Compensation Survey
How does your compensation and benefits compare to that of your peers? Find out in the 2021 RIMS Risk Management Compensation Survey.
The 97-page survey provides detailed compensation analysis by industry, location, and position for virtually all risk professional positions. The survey also demonstrates the impact of education, experience, and certain demographics on compensation, as well as benefits and additional cash compensation programs available to practitioners.
Key findings:
- Compared with one year previous, U.S. risk management professionals saw a 3.6% average increase in base salary as of September 1, 2021.
- Education, experience, and supervisory responsibility each tend to correlate positively with salary. Those who supervise (directly or indirectly) 20 or more individuals typically earn $73,000 more than those who do not supervise others.
- Males tend to earn more than females, but they tend to have higher levels of education, slightly more experience, and are more likely to have supervisory responsibility.
The survey was conducted by email and disseminated to qualified RIMS professional members and non-member risk professionals. It comprises data from 1,213 completed surveys submitted by full-time risk professionals and offers findings for seven different risk management job titles. The 2021 RIMS Risk Management Compensation Survey incorporates data from 1,039 United States and 174 Canadian risk professionals.