About Us
On behalf of the RIMS Canada Council, we would like to welcome you to our website. The RIMS Canada Council is a sub-committee of the Risk and Insurance Management Society, Inc. It addresses the interests of Canadian RIMS members and their chapters in support of RIMS mission – “To Advance Risk Management for Your Organization’s Success.” The RIMS Canada Council is here to serve our Canadian RIMS chapters and members, and we invite you to reach out to us, as we are here to assist you. Through this website and various other means of communications, we will continue to keep you well informed of issues occurring within the risk management and insurance industry. Please feel free to contact us with any questions, comments, or requests you may have at RIMSCanada@RIMS.org or by calling 212-286-9292.
RCC Goals
1) Bring the Canadian Risk Management Community together
2) Connect Canadian chapters to education, shared resources and best practices
3) Advocate for Canadian members
4) Support Canadian chapter sustainability
RCC 2025 Members
Chapter Representatives
Joseph MacDonald: Maritime
Shamair Turner: Northern Alberta
Lance Kayfish: British Columbia
Dale Frankoski: Southern Alberta
Debbie Carpenter: Ontario
Naomi Griffin: Saskatchewan
Tara Dunphy: Newfoundland & Labrador
John Lammey: Canadian Capital
Miles Barber: Manitoba
Marie-Claude Le Ber: Quebec
RCC Executives
Chair: Valerie Barber
Vice-Chair: Tara Lessard-Webb
Treasurer: Carrie Green
Secretary: Alana Dahlen
CEA/DEI Chair: Eddie Tettevi
Past chair: Jacqueline Toering
RIMS Support
RIMS Board Liaison: Ann Barry
RIMS COO & RCC Staff Liaison: Annette Homan
RIMS Senior Business Events Manager: Blanca Ferreris
RIMS CFO: Bereket Haile
RIMS Chief Events and Sales Officer: Stuart Ruff-Lyon
National Conference Committee (NCC)
The National Conference Committee is a sub-committee of the RIMS Canada Council. Its job is to coordinate the RIMS Canada Conference on a national level.
National Conference Committee:
- Advise RIMS Canada Council on policy and guideline recommendations for conference planning.
- Function as both a resource and a liaison to the Conference Education Committee, the RIMS Canada Council and the national event planner
- Coordinate the speaker and educational submission process.
- Identify plenary speakers and select relevant concurrent topics and speakers.
- Ensure that the conference education committee and the national event planner meet their obligations to the RIMS Canada Council.
- Be a proponent for change where necessary to ensure the conference meets the needs of its stakeholders.
- Monitor and evaluate exhibition and sponsorship at conferences in conjunction with the national event planner
- Develop and maintain strategy supporting an annual conference that remains successful, relevant, sustainable, and resilient.
National Conference Committee Members
Chair: Aaron Lukoni, British Columbia
Vice Chair: Sarah Mikolich
Volunteer Coordinator: Katherine Dawal
RIMS Events and Sales Department manages the conference, exhibition, sponsorship, registration, and housing for the RIMS Canada Conference.
Contacts: Stuart Ruff-Lyon, Chief Events and Sales Officer at 212-655-6051 or sruff-lyon@rims.org, Kris Wolcott, VP of Sales 212-655-5915 or kwolcott@rims.org or Blanca Ferreris, Senior Business Events Manager at 212-655-6058 or bferreris@rims.org.
Communications External Affairs and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee (CEA/DEI):
- Promote Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and related national activities.
- Facilitate relationships (i.e., monitoring, assessing, collaborating) between RIMS, the RCC and its sub-committees, Canadian members, federal/provincial regulatory officials, and other governing bodies.
- Coordinate information sharing among Canadian members using the RIMS Canada Newsletter, the RIMS Canada webpages, the RIMS Canada LinkedIn group, the RIMS Canada Twitter account, and other communication channels.
- Provide guidance and recommendations to the RCC regarding communications with RIMS, Canadian RIMS Chapters, Canadian members, and external bodies.
- Provide updates to local chapter boards and Canadian members regarding developments that could have an impact on their activities and the activities of their members.
- Engages available external media to facilitate, promote general awareness, and forward the position of the RCC and RIMS Canada as the leading risk management association in Canada.
- Monitors the Canadian Chapters and individual membership to identify issues of importance with respects to advocacy opportunities.