Innovation Hub

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Willis Towers Watson

Get quick bites of information at the Innovation Hub, an educational experience that features exciting 20-minute presentations on developments in emerging risks, claims, and cyber risks. View sessions on-demand starting Monday, April 19. Click here for more information on each presentation.


  1. Advanced Technologies: How Are They Shaping Driver Behaviors?
  2. Beyond the Hype: Best Practices for Leveraging AI to Drive Down TCOR
  3. Circumspect on Cyber: Uniting the Risk Professional, Chief Information Security Officer and the Board
  4. Dancing With Words: Getting D&O Coverage Right in a Minefield of Pandemic and Other Emerging Exposures
  5. Directors and Officers Insurance: Coping with Increased Litigation in the #MeToo and BLM Era
  6. Ensuring Insurance Coverage for Spoofing and Social Engineering
  7. Examining the Possibilities and Realities of Parametric Insurance
  8. Informed Cyber Risk Decision Making Using Technology and Modernized Analysis
  9. Innovation: The Critical Things We Learned From COVID-19
  10. InsurTech 101 for Risk Professionals
  11. Leveraging Risk Technology to Drive Efficient Captive Management and Elevate Performance
  12. New Roads: How Autonomous Vehicles Will Change Law and Insurance
  13. One Size Does Not Fit All: Automating Flexible Vendor Insurance Limits
  14. Putting AI at the Core of Your Claims Ops
  15. Quantifying the Impact of Climate Risk on Your Organization
  16. Recall Risk: Protecting and Managing Your Reputation
  17. Thinking Creatively About Liability Risk Transfer
  18. What Risk Professionals Need to Know About the Tightening Trade Credit and Political Risk Market