DATE 05/03/2020 09:00 AM 05/06/2020 11:00 PM America/Denver RIMS 2020 Annual Conference in Denver, CO Description of the event Denver

Anyone tasked with responsibility providing services to risk professionals.
Risk managers | C-Level | Treasurers | Finance directors | Claims | Security | IT | Internal audit | Legal/compliance | Operations executives | Brokers | Insurers
RIMS 2020 is where the risk community gathers to generate ideas and learn the latest strategies in risk management. This is the largest risk event of the year for a reason. You’ll find an unprecedented number of exceptional sessions across a wide-range of risk-related topics in several learning centers. The Marketplace is where you can meet with your current providers and discover new ones. There are 400+ companies to meet!
New! Visit the Technology Pavilion for hands-on learning about the newest technology in the market, as well as meet representatives from up-and-coming startups in our industry. Test drive the technology that is changing the way we do business, ranging from virtual reality to new ways to track health and wellness.
RIMS 2020 delivers a diverse range of educational sessions facilitated by risk management innovators, disrupters and practitioners. Session tracks fall into categories ranging from Career Development and Claims Management to Cyber and Technology Risk and more.
Colorado Convention Center
700 14th Street, Denver, CO 80202
P: 303.228.8000
F: 303.228.8103
E: info@denverconvention.com