Risk professionals have a distinct advantage being positioned in their organizations to see the interconnectedness of risks; knowing what happens where, and how things get done. It also sets us up for facilitating important decisions, driving change initiatives and working to build more resilient organizations. It’s clear to me, we are now in a unique position to take action, change the game and reach that next level of success.
Over the last month, RIMS conferences and events have educated and empowered risk professionals to continue to have a major impact within their organizations. In order to level up and change the game, we need to get out of our comfort zones and push forward to keep learning and growing.
RIMS Legislative Summit in Washington, DC was one of those opportunities and it provided our risk community with a platform to voice our perspectives on new, pending, and lapsing regulations. Held at the US Chamber of Commerce – of which RIMS is a member – the Summit focused on creating Federal cyber and data privacy regulations to help simplify risk management compliance efforts. The Summit also explored the advantages of a long-term National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) reauthorization, opportunities to proactively address future pandemic-related business interruption losses and amending 529 Plans to cover professional certification and trade school fees. Attendees also met with elected officials on Capitol Hill, sharing these legislative priorities and offering the RIMS community’s expertise to help move them forward. Mark your calendars for next year’s Legislative Summit on September 18 -19.
From DC to Denver, RIMS 2023 ERM Conference was a huge success with attendance and engagement close to an all-time high. ERM practitioners from around the globe and exhibiting solution providers shared their game changing insights to help elevate our ERM programs. It was great to connect with peers and to learn about their ERM journeys.
During the conference, RIMS also unveiled its newest executive report, “Managing Alternate Futures with Scenario Planning,” as well as a special Risk Management Magazine ERM edition (both are now available in RIMS Risk Knowledge library). Additionally, the Society announced Tata Steel Limited as the winner of the RIMS Global ERM Award of Distinction and two Honorable Mentions: American Eagle Federal Credit Union and Sterling Bank & Trust, FSB. Congratulations to them and a big thank you to the members of RIMS Strategic and Enterprise Risk Council (SERM) for developing such a thought-provoking and engaging conference experience.
Let’s not forget about all of the opportunities for growth and engagement at RIMS chapter events. Alongside their leadership team, I had the pleasure of providing a few opening remarks at a recent RIMS New York Chapter ‘Cocktails & Conversation’ event which was held on the 35th floor of a building overlooking the Empire State Building. As if the view was not enough, the event was at full capacity, with attendees representing the true diversity of New York’s risk community. With risk professionals, insurers, brokers, members of the local Young Risk Professional group and the National African American Insurance Association (NAAIA) all in one place, the networking opportunities that come with RIMS chapter were on full display. RIMS chapter engagement should not be underestimated.
Now, let’s look ahead to some of the game changing opportunities that are coming your way…
Let’s start with game-changing education. Early next month, RIMS will launch a brand-new virtual workshop titled, “Facilitating Risk-Based Decision Making.” The workshop will review debiasing techniques and how biased perception impacts analysis and judgement. That’s just the start. From now until the end of the year, RIMS will offer six virtual workshops covering everything from data analytics and artificial intelligence to claims management and insurance. A list of RIMS workshops is available here.
Next, the ultimate game-changer, RISKWORLD 2024. In November, RIMS will open registration for members-only to the biggest, most comprehensive risk management event of the year. RISKWORLD 2024 will take place from May 5 – 8 in sunny San Diego. Every year, the RIMS team and the exceptional volunteers who serve on RIMS Annual Conference Programming Committee develop a powerful educational program. 2024 will be no different. Look out for more news about keynote speakers, new education tracks and, of course, the unbeatable networking opportunities waiting for you at RISKWORLD 2024.
Finally, RIMS Board of Directors met for its last Board meeting of 2023. Among many things, the Board reviewed, the Society’s resources, new technology to support RIMS Chapters to enhance the chapter experience for members, growth and opportunities of our RIMS-CRMP Certification and, most importantly, approved a balanced budget for 2024.
In this volatile and uncertain world, business leaders are looking toward risk management for leadership, direction, and support. There is no better time than the present for our risk community to step up and answer the call to help build more sustainable and resilient organizations.
It’s clear the game has changed, and RIMS stands ready to help educate, advocate, and engage with you for the long-term success of our global risk community!
Jennifer Santiago, RIMS-CRMP, MBA, ARM
RIMS 2023 President