Think globally. Act locally. Throughout our risk management careers we’ve heard this expression countless times. The value of being globally-aware and incorporating those learnings into our local programs not only elevates risk management effectiveness, it also paves the way for risk professionals to support innovation.
To achieve this, risk professionals must get out from behind their desks, connect with others in the profession, and share their experiences. RIMS regional events offer an exceptional opportunity for this community to do just that.
Earlier this year I attended the RIMS Florida Educational and over the past several weeks, I had the privilege of attending RIMS Western Regional in Bend, Oregon, RIMS Canada Conference in Vancouver, and represented RIMS at FERMA Forum 2024 in Madrid.
While the primary risks covered at the events were global in nature – cyber, navigating the insurance market, claims strategies, alternative risk financing – it was fascinating to hear varying perspectives on each depending on the region’s dominant industries, geopolitical concerns, and regulation. I want to thank the RIMS volunteers who selflessly dedicate their time to produce these invaluable learning experiences and give a special “shout out” to RIMS Canada Council who welcomed a record-breaking 1,769 attendees to this year’s RIMS Canada Conference.
Recognizing the value and demand for in-person meetings, RIMS is adding a few more to its lineup. RIMS Board Director Manny Padilla kicked off the award-winning RIMS Upstate New York Chapter’s inaugural Education Day in Waterloo, New York this month. And, the stage is set for Texas’ risk management community to come together for the first-ever RIMS Texas Regional Conference on August 4-6, 2025, in San Antonio. While the Texas conference is a year away, speak to anyone from one of the four RIMS Texas chapters. This event is going to knock us right off our saddles.
No talk about RIMS events is complete without a RISKWORLD update. This month, RIMS RISKWORLD Programming Committee will met in Chicago to solidify the conference’s educational program, and exhibition sales is already underway. Additionally, the call for award nominees – celebrated at RISKWORLD – is now open. We all know deserving risk professionals. Take the time and let’s honor them in May. Until we see each other then, stayed tuned for more updates about RISKWORLD’s reimagined schedule, new education tracks, and networking experiences.
Lastly, in that effort to truly leverage the vast experiences and perspectives held by RIMS globally diverse membership, the Society continues to explore opportunities to advance the profession by collaborating with like-minded groups. RIMS is proud to announce that, as a result of its new relationship with The Institute of Internal Auditors, RIMS has added 24 new On-Demand courses to its catalog. To check out the latest additions, visit www.RIMS.org/education.
RIMS brings the world’s risk management community together. Whether through events, online learning, a globally accredited certification, articles, interviews, and so much more, RIMS is committed to giving risk management professionals the resources to elevate their capabilities, to gain global perspectives, and strengthen their risk programs back home.
Thank you for contributing to that mission.
David Arick
RIMS President