If I may be so bold, I’m going to ask the global risk management community to stop for a moment and take a breath.
Two years ago, our world was turned upside down. Our businesses faced volatile, ambiguous, and complex challenges that none of us had answers for. To say, “business was disrupted” would be an understatement. And, too many business leaders had to quickly forget everything they had learned and put strategies into action without fully understanding the consequences.
The impacts were felt far beyond business. The avalanche of uncertainty impacted people and culture. It impacted our employees, our communities, and our families both physically and mentally.
However, through those challenges, we saw risk professionals step up and show the world what type of leaders we truly are and what type of leaders we can be. From the RIMS community, we heard story-after-story of how risk professionals were able to help their organizations shift gears, avert disaster and emerge stronger. It took courage to make bold decisions, and, because of that courage, risk professionals were able to keep people safe and businesses running.
Take a breath. Look at where we are today.
Yes, there remain concerns about the pandemic’s impacts, as well as evolving social, political and economic risks, but I know we are stronger today than we were then. We are more prepared and ready to adapt to change. We are using data more effectively, spotting trends and learning from past experiences.
Business leaders saw what risk professionals are capable of and the value we add. We have shown them that they can count on us when times look bleak and have proven the impact risk management can have on the organization’s future.
I’ve said it throughout the year, “it’s up to us – risk professionals – to keep this momentum going.”
Now, it’s my turn to take a breath.
Serving as RIMS president has been nothing short of amazing. I can’t express how humbled I am to be able to give back to a Society that has done so much for me throughout my career.
The RIMS family had a lot to celebrate this year – our first in-person Annual Conference – RISKWORLD – in two years, a return to in-person meetings for many of our regional chapter events, and we welcomed RIMS new CEO Gary LaBranche to lead us forward.
I am grateful to all the people who have supported me throughout my RIMS presidency, especially an outstanding group of leaders who served with me on RIMS Board of Directors.
And, I am inspired. Serving as RIMS President gave me a unique perspective. From here, I could clearly see the passion of our volunteers, their commitment to sharing with RIMS and advancing the profession. It is that dedication that will allow RIMS to stand as the world’s premier risk management association for years to come.
Take a breath this holiday season and reflect. It’s been a long, adventurous journey, but the road ahead looks beyond legendary. Enjoy it!
Patrick Sterling
RIMS 2022 President
Vice President of Legendary People, Texas Roadhouse Inc.