Throughout this year and in my many interactions with risk professionals from around the world, I have heard and witnessed the challenges impacting our profession as we continue to transition into 21st Century risk management. The transition from traditional risk management into the digitalization of identifying and defining risk has streamlined processes but, at the same time, still presents unknowns. We have emerging technology that will impact how we see the world and must vigilantly monitor how those technologies will protect both the end user and the provider, and change our daily jobs.
What a risk professional “looks like” is also transitioning. As a result, RIMS Board of Directors convened a Task Force to further the Society’s approach on Diversity and Inclusion initiatives. The Task Force has recommended forming an official Council that will be finalized at the January Leadership Forum next month. I am very excited about the progress being made as it has been part of my platform this year and I look forward to continuing to work on this going forward.
You can see our progress on the website as we have expanded into India and Singapore, especially the through the success of our first Risk Forum 2018 India. We continue to provide content through our relationship with BIMTECH (Birla Institute of Management Technology) who opened “The RIMS Corner” publication center and will soon offer risk management courses. Our goal is to provide content and networking to meet the needs India corporate so that the risk community can better serve their businesses and communities.
Another example of us heeding the call of “ships being safe in the harbor, but that’s not what they’re built for” was demonstrated in November, as RIMS introduced its new Young Associate Membership category. Many risk professionals get their start on the Associate side of the business. We are proud to make this category available, at a reduced rate, to this dynamic group of professionals. We also reduced the rate for Young Professional Members to make it even easier for them to join RIMS.
Additionally, after a thorough and deliberate assessment, RIMS Board of Directors announced a policy revision that now allows our Associate Members to serve on Chapter Boards. The opportunity for them to serve on Chapter Boards is OPTIONAL for each individual chapter, and is accompanied by RIMS Board issued parameters. It is without question that Associates provide an important industry perspective and are valuable members of our community. For more information, Chapter Leaders can contact RIMS Client Services at cst@rims.org.
Being a premier risk organization, these decisions reflect a measured and calculated risk, one that will require our Chapter Leaders’ feedback to ensure that it accurately addresses our members’ needs.
My last President’s Corner Message is bittersweet for me. We began with the challenge of identifying “What’s Your Plan,” to the importance of mentoring the next generation. Looking ahead into the 21st Century, we confidently anticipate steady chapter growth and international members. My opportunities to travel and connect with our members will forever stay with me. They have allowed me to maintain old friendships and established new ones.
I always end by thanking our members for their support but there are specific groups that routinely go above and beyond. To our committee, council, advisory group and task force volunteers, our chapter leaders, the speakers at our events, those who contribute content, RIMS staff and, of course, my fellow Board of Directors – thank you!
Without your support and without our desire to work in unison to advance this global risk management community, we would not be where we are today. As we transition into 2019, I am very excited about our next President Gloria Brosius and the 2019 Board. All I will say is, get ready for some very exciting things to come next year!
I want to wish you all a happy and healthy holiday season and New Year. And, I’d like to wish you the ultimate in professional success. Thank you for allowing me to serve as your 2018 President and for choosing RIMS as your go-to source for risk management knowledge.
Let’s stay connected!
Robert Cartwright, Jr.
RIMS 2018 President