RIMS REPORT: The Top Six Legal Developments of 2018
Authored by Mark J. Plumer and Matthew Jeweler of Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP and Mark Stacell, insurance risk manager for Equinor, the report reviews United States legal decisions from different levels of court. The decisions address a variety of insurance issues including: reservation of rights, rescission, directors and officers liability and cyber claims.
“Today’s risk professionals continue to see their roles and responsibilities expand, requiring new skillsets and greater, more in-depth knowledge of their organizations and external factors,” said RIMS CEO Mary Roth. “Understanding the key legal developments of the year that impact our industries can help risk professionals deliver more efficient and cost-effective solutions.”
The Top Six Legal Developments in 2018 report is available exclusively to RIMS members. To download the report, visit RIMS Risk Knowledge library at For more information about the Society and to learn about other RIMS educational opportunities, conferences and resources, visit
The report expresses the views of the authors and not any, law firm, company or client. Further it does not provide legal advice, as such advice would require review of particular facts and law.
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