Berry Griffin, Jr.’s risk management career spanned more than 30 years and he remains active in the profession, attending RIMS Annual Conferences & Exhibition each year.
Berry served as the Risk and Insurance Manager for both Baker International and Hughes Aircraft where he was highly regarded for his contributions.
Berry made immense contributions to the national and international risk management profession through his volunteer work. He was a leader of the American Society of Insurance Managers (ASIM was the association’s name prior to becoming RIMS). He held all officer positions with ASIM, successfully completing many projects, committee assignments and speaking opportunities on a range of risk management topics.
In 1979, he was elected to President of the Risk and Insurance Management Society, Inc. Under his leadership, Berry and the team of risk management professionals who served on RIMS Board of Directors produced the first Cost of Risk Survey. Berry’s team was able to capture this important data and deliver a valuable resource that is still offered by RIMS today as RIMS Benchmark Survey.
Berry also helped the Society maintained its position as one of the most highly-regarded advocacy groups representing the risk and insurance manager. During his tenure, RIMS routinely testified in front of Congress, met with IRS leaders and weighed in on the regulation of captives to support risk professionals’ best interests.
He represented RIMS on the National Association of Insurance Commissioners’ Model Competitive Rating Bill Industry Advisory Committee and played an important role in its report. His valued recommendations were effective in pushing for workers’ compensation to be competitively rated.
Berry oversaw RIMS’ participation in global events including helping the U.S. Council Insurance Committee of the International Chamber of Commerce coordinate its international summit on risk management in Paris in 1979. He was instrumental in supporting the growth of risk management forums in Europe, Australia, Japan and Latin America.
He was active in the Southern Californian risk management community, eventually serving as the president of RIMS Los Angeles Chapter. He was also instrumental in the formation of at least eight RIMS chapters including: RIMS Canadian Capital, Puerto Rico, Central Illinois, Arkansas, Salt Lake City, Potomac, San Diego and Western Carolina chapters.
Berry cares tremendously about mentoring, acting as a mentor and role model for countless risk management professionals. A key contributor to the development of the Spencer Educational Foundation, he continues to support the Foundation’s cause to create meaningful opportunities for the next generation of risk management professionals.
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