The Prestige of the RIMS-CRMP

Stephanie Fisher is the Director of Risk Management and insurance at Quanta Services, a specialty contractor in North America, and has more than 20 years of experience in the profession. She discussed preparing for the RIMS-CRMP certification and her plans as a member of the RIMS-CRMP Certification Commission.
RIMS: At what point in your career did you take the RIMS-CRMP? What motivated you to take it?
Fisher: I began my career in the insurance and risk management world as a summer intern in 1989. I was thankful to receive a job offer with that same company upon graduation. What began as a summer job has turned into the most rewarding career.
I was excited to read about the creation of RIMS-CRMP. I am a life-long learner and I encourage those around me to continually learn as well. How could I not apply to sit for the exam?
I am an inaugural RIMS-CRMP, meaning I took the exam at the RIMS Annual Conference in San Diego in April 2016. The experience was a bit intimidating. There were no prep courses or study guides. As an experienced risk manager, I felt I should know what was needed to pass the exam, but I had some trepidation about passing. What if I didn’t pass? How would I explain that? My risk mitigation technique: I didn’t tell anyone I was sitting for the exam! Thankfully, I passed the first time. It was nice to see my name in the article advising 90 people had just passed the new RIMS-CRMP exam.
RIMS: How has the RIMS-CRMP enhanced your professional profile?
Fisher: In the early days, the RIMS-CRMP behind your name created a lot of dialogue. People were curious about what it stood for. It enhanced your professional profile with the attention the certification garnered and the conversations it inspired. There are more RIMS-CRMP holders now, and that prestige has continued through the years.
RIMS: Why did you decide you run for a position on the RIMS-CRMP Commission?
Fisher: I volunteered at the local level for years and ran for the RIMS-CRMP Commission position because I have been looking for a way to give back at the global level. The RIMS-CRMP Commission is a good fit for me with regard to my passion for education and for sharing the wonderful career opportunities in risk management.
RIMS: What would you like to achieve on the Commission? What are some of your goals for 2022?
Fisher: I am excited to get started and help spread the message particularly to the next generation. There are so many amazing opportunities available for those willing to step up and take hold. The RIMS-CRMP will help distinguish you as that person. The future is bright, and I look forward to encouraging as many risk professionals as I can.
RIMS also spoke with Carrie Frandsen about her current term on the RIMS-CRMP Commission.
Interview by Justin Smulison, RIMS Business Content Manager