RIMS Risk Management Academy at Lloyd's
24 - 26 June | Lloyd's | London
Gallery 11, One Lime Street,
London EC3M 7H 10036
RIMS and Lloyd's will host the RIMS Risk Management Academy from 24 – 26 June 2019 at Lloyd's in London. This invite-only event offers participants an opportunity to spend time at the heart of the global centre for specialist (re)insurance to deepen your understanding of this unique marketplace. Attendees will hear experts from the market (insurance carriers, brokers and technical experts) deliver educational sessions and workshops, alongside networking opportunities with the Lloyd’s Market.
Programme topics will include:
- Lloyd's Overview and the Market
- Emerging Risks and City Resilience Workshop
- Innovation Focus Session: Lloyd's for the Future
- Claims at Lloyd's and Interactive Workshop
- Cyber Interactive Workshop
- Terrorism, Active Assailant and Crisis Management
- Property Insurance – Survival and Resilience: How to Navigate Soft Market Conditions
- Liability Classes of Business – What’s New
Invited guests were notified via email with registration details. There is no registration fee, however, participants must cover their own travel, hotel and incidental expenses. This event is open to RIMS members only and invitations are accepted on a first received basis. Participation is limited to 25 delegates and only one person per company.
Please email us if you have questions regarding this event.
Monday, 24 June
08.45 Arrival and Welcome Coffee
09.00 Welcome to the Professional Development Programme
Enya He, South Central Regional Director, Lloyd’s
Umron Ahmed, Head of Business Development, Lloyd’s
Kristen Peed, Director, Director of Corporate Risk Management, CBIZ, Inc.
09.15 Lloyd’s Overview and the London Market
Enya He, South Central Regional Director, Lloyd’s
- History, Structure & The Subscription Model
- Financial Results, Security & Ratings
- The International Network
10.00 Tour of Lloyd’s Building
11.00 Emerging Risks and City Resilience Workshop
Keith Smith, Manager, R&D, Innovation, Lloyd's
- Innovation at Lloyd’s
- Trends and emerging risks
- Be ready for the future – scenario gaming!
13.00 Lunch
14.00 Claims at Lloyd’s and Interactive Claims Workshop
Philip Godwin, Head of Claims, Lloyd's
- How claims at Lloyd’s work – standard and complex claims
- Claims innovation, processes and technology
- NatCat response workshop
15.30 Groups Present Back & Wrap up
16.00 Insuring the Businesses of Tomorrow Today
Chris Moore, Apollo
- What is the sharing economy and what are the risks?
- Thinking about insurance as an enabler
- Ridesharing, accommodation, autonomous vehicles
18.00 Informal Dinner (attendance is optional)
Tuesday, 25 June
08.45 Arrival and Welcome Coffee
09.00 Cyber Interactive Workshop
Simon West, Axis Capital
- What does cyber really mean and how deep does the web go?
- The dark web and attack vectors
- Interactive step-by-step cyber-attack scenario
10.30 Coffee Break
10.45 Innovation Confabulation!
Tina Kirby, Innovation and Product Development, Beazley
- Exploring examples of recent innovations
- Examples of new/emerging risks that need new solutions
- Open floor for your insurance innovation suggestions/issues etc.
11.30 Market Experience Session
13.00 Lunch (vouchers provided)
14.00 Terrorism, Active Assailant and Crisis Management
Julia Dickson, Director - Head of International Terrorism, Aon Crisis Management
Andrew Bauckham, Senior Class Underwriter, Chaucer
Rich Halstead, Line Underwriter - War, Terrorism and Political Violence, Hiscox London Market
- Terrorism insurance
- Active assailant solutions
- Best practice in Crisis Management
15.00 Coffee Break
15.15 Property Insurance – Survival and Resilience: How to Navigate Soft Market Conditions
Ian Shelley, Class of Business Manager, Performance Management, Lloyd’s
Chris Prior, Property Underwriter, Cincinnati Global
Sapna Varu,Senior Underwriter, QBE Europe
- What change has there been in market conditions
- How can we be optimistic about the future of property insurance?
16.30 Coffee Break
16.45 Protecting the Value Chain
John Eltham, Head of North American Business, Miller Insurance
- Insuring business operations and strategies
- How can you as risk managers protect your value chain?
- Team challenge
18.00 Networking Drinks / Dinner hosted by Lloyd’s
20.00 End of day two
Wednesday, 26 June
08.45 Arrival and Welcome Coffee
09.00 The Future at Lloyd's
Tom Allebone-Webb, Head of Strategy, Lloyd’s
- Six transformational initiatives to shape the future of the world’s (re)insurance market
- Read our prospectus for change: http://www.lloyds.com/thefutureatlloyds
- Your role in shaping the Future at Lloyd’s
10.00 Liability Classes of Business – What’s New?
Matthew Yeldham, Deputy Active Underwriter and Head of Casualty, AEGIS London
Paul Bland, Head of General Liability, AmTrust at Lloyd's
- The evolving casualty market at Lloyd’s
- What’s new: challenges and solutions
- Best practice in claims handling
- Volatility of awards, uncertainty and undesirability of certain legal venues
10.45 Coffee Break
11.00 Product Recall
Ed Mitchell, Principal Underwriter –Product Recall, Property and Casualty, MS Amlin
- Crisis Management interactive exercise
- Product recall overview, product contamination, auto component coverage
- Crisis management and future outlook
12.30 Lunch
14.00 End of Programme
Hotel & Travel
Lloyd’s has reserved a block of rooms for delegates at the Dorsett City Hotel and Grange City Hotel. A limited number of guest rooms are available at the reduced rate. Please call or email the hotel to receive the discounted room rate.
Dorsett City Hotel
9 Aldgate High Street, London, EC3N 1AH
Email: gaurav.dhaul@dorsetthotels.com
Telephone: +44 (0) 203 805 1000
Room Rate: £200 per room per night, includes VAT and English breakfast
Grange City Hotel
8-14 Cooper's Row, London, EC3N 2BQ
Email: city.reservations@grangehotels.com
Tel: +44 (0) 20 7863 3700
Room Rate:
£223.20 per room per night includes VAT and English breakfast