Part 5: BCM and E-Discovery
Mike Keating, Managing Director, Doulos Business Consulting
Michael Keating is a Managing Director responsible for leading the Business Continuity Management and Enterprise Risk Management services for Doulos Business Consulting, a specialty risk management organization. His expertise is assisting senior management implement sustainable enterprise-wide business continuity programs, and he has assisted clients of nearly every size and industry type prepare to minimize the impact of business interruptions, corporate crises and pandemic risk.
He is considered an expert in business interruption, property, extra expense, product recall and fidelity claims as well as the evaluation of business interruption risk exposures and values reporting. Mr. Johnson has 19 years of experience in this field and a proven track record in assisting clients with large, complex insurance claims and litigation. Mr. Johnson has a unique background, with experience providing loss accounting services to both insurers and policyholders.
David Gustafson, Director, Disputes and Investigation Practice, Navigant Consulting
David Gustafson is a Director of Navigant Consulting, Inc., where his main area of expertise is discovery management with a focus on the preservation, collection, review and production of electronic records responsive to regulatory and litigation requirements. David has over twenty years of experience in the information management industry providing strategic guidance, technical advisory, and project management support. He has expertise in record retention processes and technology, document processing and workflow technology, electronic evidence collection and review technology, and application requirements analysis and solution implementation.
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