Medical and disability case management services can improve outcomes – but only if they are managed effectively. In this program we will explore the most effective methods of engagement to ensure that the appropriate services are requested, that unnecessary services are avoided, and that the case manager selected has pertinent expertise.
Elise Farnham, AIM, ARM, CPCU, CPIW
Ms. Farnham is a member of the CPCU Society, RIMS, and NAIW. She is a member of the Board of Ethical Inquiry for the American Institutes for CPCU and serves on advisory panels for the CPCU, AIC, and ARM programs.
In 1993, she was named National Claim Professional of the Year by the National Association of Insurance Women (International) and was national president for that organization in 1998/99. She was recognized as Insurance Woman of the Year by the Insurance Professionals of Atlanta in 2003 and 2004. Ms. Farnham is a frequent speaker and her articles have appears in Business Insurance, Claims Magazine, CPCU Claim Quarterly, Today’s Insurance Professional, and Insurance International (a U.K. publication.) www.elisefarnham.com
Debbie Smith, M.Ed., CRC, CVE, CCM
Debbie Smith, Unit Manager for Case Management services with CorVel Corporation in the Atlanta area. She has a Master’s degree in Vocational Rehabilitation Counseling and is a Certified Rehabilitation Counselor, Certified Vocational Evaluator as well as a Certified Case Manager. CorVel Corporation is a national provider of Disability Management and Medical Cost Containment Services to the insurer, employer and claims administrator markets. The CorVel service programs combine to establish an integrated, comprehensive managed care program which includes the use of case management services for the purpose of medical care coordination/case management and vocational rehabilitation counseling for injured workers.
Debbie has worked in the field of medical and vocational case management for over 21 years. She has been around to see the pendulum swing back and forth several times with respect to the use of case management services in the WC arena.
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