Awareness is a cornerstone of risk management. In order to mitigate the negative impacts of risks, it is critical for risk professionals to be aware of their surroundings, their competitors, employees, processes and the business world around them. That awareness not only allows us to avoid crisis, it empowers our organizations to remain resilient, it keeps our employees safe and our goals within reach.
In addition to the business advantages of being aware, being socially aware is equally as important. I want to start this President’s Message by recognizing the recent horrific and senseless attacks in New York, Texas and Tulsa that took the lives of innocent people and that will forever change the lives of countless others. Unfortunately, these events are becoming more and more prevalent, while the questions about the motivation and audacity are endless, and the answers to end them seem further and further out of reach. While we can’t change the past, we can certainly learn from it and I strongly believe that risk professionals can be a big part of the solution.
Last month, with the help of RIMS Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Advisory Council, we created awareness about aggressions toward Asian Americans and the heritage of Pacific Islanders. In the U.S. we celebrated the thousands of veterans who sacrificed their lives for their country and, in June, we recognize Pride Month and Juneteenth to celebrate individuals who continue to face so much adversity. I encourage RIMS members to take notice of these celebrations, to share their personal experiences, as well as opportunities for the Society to recognize other groups. Addressing social issues is a learning process and RIMS relies on our members to help us continue to take strides in this area.
As our world has become even more connected than ever before, it is important that we are globally aware as well. RIMS worked with AXA XL’s team to produce the “Managing Global Geopolitical Risk in 2022 and Beyond” RIMScast discussion that focused on the present and long-term risk management implications of the Russia/Ukraine war. Our podcast series have become an awesome resource and I encourage you to tune-in and listen to how global risk leaders are tackling some of the world’s most challenging issues.
We must also be politically active and aware. This month, a small group of volunteers from RIMS External Affairs Committee will head to Washington, DC to effect change. There, they will meet with legislative offices – ahead of RIMS Legislative Summit that is scheduled for September 20 -22 – to generate awareness about the Society’s legislative priorities…priorities that have a direct impact on our members’ work. If you have interest in government affairs and want to learn how lobbying works, the Summit is a great place to get a taste of the action on Capitol Hill. Visit RIMS Advocacy to learn more about our legislative initiatives.
Lastly, part of being aware is having a pulse on best practices. Recently, RIMS published a new report titled, “Navigating the Complexities of Emerging Risks,” that is available to members only. Based on survey findings, RIMS Strategic and Enterprise Risk Council explored lessons learned from the pandemic and outlined effective practices to proactively address and leverage emerging risks. The report and so many other risk management resources are available in the Risk Knowledge library.
RIMS is a community made up of professionals from all walks of life and from all over the globe. This Society feels a responsibility to create awareness about social issues that impact our communities and to celebrate with our members as they achieve milestones and break through barriers. The Society has developed resources about active shooter preparedness, inequities in the workplace, social issues and mental health concerns. However, our efforts to strengthen global awareness about important social, professional and political issues is far from over.
Together, we must continue on this path, committing our risk management skills to the development of even more thought-leading knowledge and do our part to build a better world. Thank you for being a part of this journey.
Patrick Sterling
RIMS 2022 President