RIMS 2022 | April 10–13 | San Francisco

RISKWORLD 2023 Session Submission


The strength and success of risk management is dependent on this community’s willingness to share ideas, best practices and strategies.

As a RISKWORLD speaker, you can play an integral role in building safer, stronger and more resilient organizations that are prepared to tackle both today’s and future risks. Take this opportunity to showcase your skills, experience and innovative new solutions; to enhance existing relationships; and make new connections. Let’s advance the risk management profession and build a brighter tomorrow together.

Topics must be timely and relevant. Pass on your knowledge and expertise to the risk management community by leading an educational session at RISKWORLD 2023. Showcase your expertise, experience and facilitate conversations about innovative best practices in risk management. Share your big ideas, innovative strategies, and solutions that will benefit the entire risk community. 

RIMS is driven to empower us all to build a highly diverse, equitable and inclusive culture of belonging in our global risk community. We encourage you to develop education sessions that embody that vision statement with topics, presenters and perspectives that represent our diverse community and that foster a welcoming environment for open dialogue and the exchange of ideas. 

Proposals should focus on aspects of risk management that would be of interest to risk professionals managing the everyday risks and unique challenges for their companies. Career enhancement, coverage trends, claim development, cyber and technology risk, DE&I, ESG and strategic and enterprise risk management are a few of the topics covered. 

Extended deadline: August 24 at 11:59 pm EDT. 

All programs MUST be submitted electronically for consideration. Late and/or incomplete submissions, as well as sales pitches, will NOT be considered. We will only accept proposals that comply with all of the guidelines outlined below. 


You need a RIMS login and password before you can complete a submission.

First-time Users: You will need to create a RIMS account (membership is not required). 

Returning Users: If you don't know your password, complete the "Forgot your Password?" form to reset your password and have it sent to your email address. If you encounter any problems, email speakers@rims.org for assistance.  

The submission Application is only compatible with IE 10 and above, Chrome, Firefox, and Safari.