Marissa Holland: Tapping Into the Knowledge Base

Marissa Holland serves as the Dallas Fort Worth (DFW) RIMS Vice President. She reflected on how her career experiences in banking and underwriting lent itself to passing the RIMS-CRMP exam in 2020 during the initial months of the COVID-19 pandemic.
RIMS: What inspired you to pursue the RIMS-CRMP? Was your role as DFW RIMS Vice President a factor?
Holland: I earned my RIMS-CRMP in 2020 and joined the board after I earned the certification. I was previously VP of Corporate Risk & Insurance for a bank and a portion of my role was to liaise between the Corporate Treasury, Enterprise Risk Management and Compliance departments. I assisted with the collection of data for ERM, risk compliance self-assessments and analyzed and assessed the findings for the annual Aggregation Report. This report was presented to executive leadership at their annual organizational risk management meeting.
I pursued the certification to better understand and participate in the process. A standing professional goal I have is to be a knowledgeable member of any process in which I am involved.
RIMS: You’ve had a varied career and are currently at Hillwood, which is a real estate developer. How did your career experience lend itself as a knowledge base for taking the exam?
Holland: I had exposure to the process being tested on, so taking the exam was largely remembering the experiences and selecting the correct answer.
The eight years I spent underwriting also provided a useful knowledge base. Underwriting involves several skillsets that overlap with the RIMS-CRMP thought process.
The role naturally follows the exam blueprint: Analyze, design a strategy, implement risk process, use of organization risk competency resources, and supporting decision making.
RIMS: In what ways did your employer support you in preparing for the exam?
Holland: I’ve been fortunate in that my employers have been willing to invest in my education. I passed the RIMS-CRMP exam in June and started at Hillwood in July 2020. This was right around the time when businesses were toggling between opening and closing their offices due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
RIMS: What was it like to take the exam at that hectic time?
Holland: I had my fingers crossed that my exam would not be canceled. When I arrived, the testing center was open. There were box fans in every corner of the testing room! If I’m recalling correctly, the windows were open, and they had two empty exam stations between each person for distancing. I was thankful to get the exam finished before everything shut down again. I passed the exam that day and left with an entirely different hair style—the windblown look.
RIMS: How do you expect adding the RIMS-CRMP to your title will further elevate your professional profile?
Holland: They are very different certifications, but together, do provide balance in perspectives. The RIMS-CRMP is more about the overall risk management process. It showcases competencies, technical knowledge, and ability to perform in a risk management role. I like that it is globally recognized and is ANSI accredited under the ISO standards. I think this certification is great for a seasoned or unseasoned professionals. The RIMS-CRMP elevates and rounds out my professional skillset.
RIMS: How do you feel the RIMS-CRMP complements your CPCU designation?
Holland: CPCU offers a different but necessary perspective. It goes into the details of the insurance industry. It hits on all aspects of insurance: regulatory, underwriting, legal, financial and deeps dives into coverages, terms, and conditions. It took me years to complete. It is hard work! CPCU is also part of a global network. The world is becoming more interconnected, and my goal is to ensure my certifications reflect that.
RIMS: What methods do you use to accrue recertification points? For example, sitting on the RIMS board, attending/planning conferences like RISKWORLD or DFW events?
Holland: The RIMS-CRMP offers a variety of ways to accumulate points. I accrue them through my board position, attending conferences and luncheons, speaking at conferences, and using my continuing education from my state licenses. And of course, by planning and attending DFW Chapter events.
See the full RIMS-CRMP Exam Prep calendar.
Interview by Justin Smulison, RIMS Business Content Manager