September is one of those months that can leave you with mixed emotions. In the U.S., it’s officially the end of summer, traffic picks up, kids are back in school and there is a change in the air that’s subtle but distinct.
September is also the peak of hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean and many of us have operations in critical areas that are vulnerable to the impact of mother nature and climate change. Each of us plays a critical role in making our organizations more resilient.
This month also marks the 22nd anniversary of the attacks on the World Trade Center on 9-11 which is an important day of remembrance, reflection and resilience. I was a young risk management and insurance professional working in New York City on that day and not a year goes by that I am not reminded and humbled by the fragility of life and how risk management and resilience are of critical importance to the long-term sustainability of our planet.
Don’t underestimate the value that you bring and the impact you can have every day. And don’t forget to turn to RIMS’ immense collection of knowledge and resources, as well as its incredible network of professionals. As you and I have said before, we are far more powerful together than we are apart.
So, here is what is going on in our RIMS Community:
The Canadian risk management community really showed up in Ottawa up for the RIMS’ Canada Conference on September 11 - 14. More than 1,400 risk professionals from across Canada made their way to the nation’s capital, making it the second largest RIMS Canada Conference ever. The three-day event featured a max-capacity exhibit hall, more than 60 sessions and thoughtfully designed networking opportunities.
What’s most impressive about RIMS Canada Conference is what goes on behind the scenes. RIMS Canada Council (RCC), members and chapter leaders from RIMS ten Canadian chapters volunteered their time, energy, and expertise to make the conference a truly impactful experience. A big “thank you” to all those who contributed to such a successful conference and mark your calendars for next year’s RIMS Canada Conference on October 6-9 in Vancouver. The bar is high, let’s break the attendance record in 2024!
I had the distinct pleasure of representing RIMS at the 2023 Spencer Educational Foundation, ‘Funding Their Future’, Gala held on September 14th in New York City. The Gala raised over $1.5M to support scholarships, grants and educational programming for risk management, insurance and actuarial students. Investing in risk management students is a top priority for RIMS and the Society proudly announced its commitment of $250,000 to the Spencer Foundation to help universities build and advance their risk management programs.
RIMS Legislative Summit is just around the corner. The two-day event, scheduled for October 25-26 at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Building in Washington DC, will explore legislative issues that impact the practice of risk management, while providing a platform for attendees to engage with elected officials and their offices. RIMS legislative priorities which are the focus of the Summit include: the National Flood Insurance Program’s reauthorization, data privacy, and a federal insurance backstop for catastrophic events. We are excited to welcome former Senator John E. Sununu to deliver the keynote address. Join us and let’s make sure risk management professionals’ voices are heard on Capitol Hill.
Following RIMS Legislative Summit, we are heading over to Denver on November 2-3, for RIMS 12th annual Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) Conference. Our keynote speaker, Bob Roitblat, will enable ERM leaders, at all stages, to identify the trends in technology that can improve the future of their work and show them how to chart a path amid raging storms and calm seas. RIMS ERM Conference brings together risk management innovators from around the world and it’s hard to leave without a mind full of ideas and some tangible actions you can take back to your organization. Registration is open.
RIMS events are world-renowned and, while nothing beats in-person events, we all know that travelling at times is not possible. That’s where RIMS’ virtual workshops come in handy. From now until the end of the year, RIMS is offering ten virtual workshops that cover a wide range of risk management issues, strategies and principles. On September 28th, RIMS will host one of its newest workshops, “Optimizing Risk Management with Artificial Intelligence.” AI is here to stay and its incumbent upon us all to understand and harness its potential. This is followed by four more workshops in October that focus on ERM, claims management, risk appetite management and the fundamentals of risk management. The full calendar of RIMS virtual workshops is available online.
This month, RIMS kicked off its bi-annual RIMS Compensation Survey and has invited the risk management community to participate. This is a great opportunity for you to confidentially contribute information on your compensation and total rewards package for the benefit of other risk management professionals. I am excited to see the results of the survey, the growth in our profession and the associated growth in our recognition and overall compensation. To participate, complete the online Compensation Survey.
September certainly brings challenges and opportunities for us all. As we enter the last quarter of 2023, remember to look for opportunities for your own personal and professional growth. Whether it’s an in-person event, a virtual workshop, or leveraging the insights of the Risk Knowledge Library or Risk Management Magazine, there are so many opportunities for you to learn, elevate your skills and to advance your career. Come join me!
Jennifer Santiago, RIMS-CRMP, ARM, MBA
RIMS 2023 President