I hope you were ready, because RIMS sprinted into 2024.
The Society kicked off the year with the RIMS Leadership Forum in San Antonio, Texas. The two-day event brought together RIMS Chapter Presidents and the RIMS Board of Directors, who were, unsurprisingly, equally excited about the future of the profession and RIMS. The Forum was the perfect setting to share ideas and formulate new ones. I know that the collaborative atmosphere at the Forum will lead to greater opportunities for all of us. I want to extend a tremendous ‘thank you’ to all the chapter volunteers who joined RIMS in San Antonio.
RIMS chapters are the perfect place to boost your professional networks and access some of the best risk management content and resources available. While I could not attend the RIMS New Zealand & Pacific Islands’ Annual Conference, RIMS CEO Gary LaBranche did, and he reported back about its resounding success. Sessions at the event covered everything from artificial intelligence risks to strategies for risk professionals to demonstrate their value. And, there were fantastic conversations about the future of risk management. Congratulations to the RIMS New Zealand and Pacific Islands Board for developing this outstanding event. This event was yet another example of the power of RIMS.
Chapter involvement is how I got started with RIMS, and the risk leaders who volunteer their time and expertise at the chapter level deserve all the credit in the world. RIMS has 80 amazing chapters globally. I highly recommend connecting with your local chapter and getting active.
RIMS’ sprint to elevate risk management internationally was also in full-stride this month. RIMS leadership addressed Pan-Asia Risk and Insurance Management Association’s (PARIMA) members to provide an update on the RIMS-PARIMA collaboration to create greater access to the RIMS-CRMP certification in the region. RIMS also met with Nanyang Technical University (Singapore) and Singapore Management Academy officials to set a path for students to earn the RIMS-CRMP certification. RIMS also held its very first RIMS-CRMP Networking Reception in Singapore – home to the largest concentration of RIMS-CRMP holders outside of the United States and Canada. More than 1,000 risk professionals have earned the RIMS-CRMP and many have shared their stories on how they prepared, what the exam covers, and why they chose to pursue it. You can read those RIMS-CRMP Stories here.
The sprint to RISKWORLD 2024 is on. RIMS will welcome 10,000+ risk executives to its flagship event from May 5 – 8 in San Diego. Each year, the Society builds upon the RISKWORLD experience, and this year is no different. Enhancements at RISKWORLD 2024 will include a new DE&I experience and After Party, Chatbot capabilities to help attendees navigate the event, quiet and wellness spaces, AI translation and captioning options for education sessions, new AI and Legal learning tracks, increased safety and security measures, and more. I wouldn’t walk, I would sprint to register – did I mention San Diego? Hotels are booking up fast and there is very limited exhibition space left in the RISKWORLD Marketplace. Advanced saving rates end February 29th.
The race to achieve all of our inclusivity and equity-related goals is definitely a marathon…not a sprint. I want to take this moment to acknowledge the importance of Black History Month, and wish happiness and good health to those in our risk community who are currently celebrating the Chinese New Year, Lunar New Year, and other lunar/solar calendar holidays around the world.
As we enter this new year, I want to urge the risk community not to wait until RISKWORLD to take advantage of RIMS resources and knowledge. Dive into RIMS. Let’s start the year off right and sprint toward risk management excellence together.
David Arick
RIMS 2024 President