Darius Delon’s RIMS-CRMP Secrets

Approximately 10% of the 1,038 global RIMS-CRMP holders are based in Canada. And one of the very first among that special group is Darius Delon.
An omnipresent force for risk management in Southern Alberta, Delon has held risk leadership roles in the higher education and real estate sectors throughout his career and was the President of the Southern Alberta Chapter of RIMS when the RIMS-CRMP launched in 2016. Now the President of Risk Management 101 and a risk management instructor at Bow Valley College in Calgary, Delon reflected on being among the inaugural group to pass the exam and how the certification has enhanced his career.
RIMS: You were chair of the RIMS Canada Council and your term ended in 2016. That was a critical time for the RIMS-CRMP, as it was preparing for the big reveal. What was your impression of the certification then?
Delon: I was excited about the certification within the risk management profession. The RIMS-CRMP certification is the perfect next step for CRM designation holders to pursue. As it is competency based, it is different from other certifications. It is about strategy, using tools and frameworks to support the decision-making process.
The big change that I see is the number of people getting their certification and keeping it. The growth of the RIMS-CRMP shows the commitment of risk managers across Canada and U.S. to continue to improve their skill sets.
RIMS: What inspired you to take the RIMS-CRMP exam?
Delon: I have always loved the risk profession but felt like the overall perception of the industry, in the minds of others, did not match my understanding and experience of how critical good risk management is to making good, risk informed –based business decisions. The RIMS-CRMP certification proves the commitment of the risk management community to grow into the best version of the profession. The RIMS-CRMP is a further step in making risk management the go-to profession.
RIMS: How did your prior experiences lend themselves as a knowledge base for taking the exam?
Delon: I feel like my insurance and risk education, insurance experience, and risk experience, gave me a solid foundation. My varied experiences added to my understanding of business and risk management. When combined, my background allowed me to start thinking of risk holistically (Enterprise-wide Risk Management) and adding more value to the organization that I worked with.
RIMS: You were already pretty well-known in the profession when you passed the exam. How did the RIMS-CRMP aid you in your career?
Delon: The RIMS-CRMP helped me in an unexpected way—I got an additional shot of confidence when I passed the exam and saw who the other leaders were who passed the exam. I didn't think I needed the additional confidence, but when I saw other risk leaders with their certification, I was amazed to see what they were able to accomplish and felt like I belonged.
RIMS: What tips do you have for anyone studying for the exam now? For example, how critical are the workshops especially now that they are offered in hybrid settings?
Delon: I took the exam after decades of experience as a risk manager—when RIMS-CRMP workshops did not exist. Now that exam prep workshops are offered, they are a great way to prepare for the exam. I also suggest reviewing the study guide and examination blueprint to develop a study plan. If you hold the CRM/ARM designations, the RIMS-CRMP certification is an excellent choice as the next step in your career development and continued growth.
Several people have reached out to me over the years for tips and what they should study. My tip is to think like a risk manager and not an adjuster, underwriter, or broker. As the risk manager for your organization, you need to provide your organization with the best advice—and some of that advice may go against the best practice for an adjuster or underwriter working for an insurer and might mean having to use tools that do not focus on financing the risk.
Keep the nine risk controls in mind when answering any of the questions: avoid, reduce, prevent, duplicate, diversify, segregate, contract out, use and insurance contract and my addition, Adapt. Your risk controls may be out of date, poor performing or even restrictive, preventing your organization from thriving. All risk controls need to be re-evaluated on a regular basis.
RIMS: What are your favorite methods for accruing points toward your recertification?
Delon: My favorite way to recertify is to attend the RIMS Canada Conference each year. It has a lot of critical education sessions, and the bulk of the risk industry (peers) are there and always open to chat about the next big emerging risks and controls for those risks. Any RIMS conference is an ideal way, though, including the ERM Conference and RISKWORLD.
RIMS: Speaking of conferences, how did it feel to be a contestant on the inaugural RIMS Canada Chapter Feud game show at the RIMS Canada Conference 2023?
Delon: The Chapter Feud was a blast—I was so nervous. The RIMS Western Chapters team were superstars and were very supportive. I kept thinking of the original Family Feud presenter, Richard Dawson, when you were asking the questions. I think it helped me focus on the answers. "Top 100 people were surveyed..."

Darius Delon (left), was on the RIMS Canada West team during RIMS Canada Chapter Feud at the RIMS Canada Conference 2023.
Apply for the RIMS-CRMP certification.
View the upcoming exam prep workshops.
Interview by Justin Smulison, RIMS Business Content Manager