Canadian Risk Management
Exam Information
The CRM54, CRM55 and CRM56 exams are administered in a virtual format on The Institutes' virtual learning management system. Exams are 70 multiple-choice questions; candidates have one hour and 40 minutes to complete an exam. Exams are divided into two sections: the first section consists of 50 questions, and the second section consists of 20 questions. Exam access is available on the first day upon receiving a virtual platform login. Exam access ends on December 15 of the current year.

Exam Process
- Visit the Exam Registration page to submit payment for your exam.
- After submitting payment, RIMS will register you for the exam and email your access instructions within two weeks.
- After you complete the exam, a pass/fail message will appear on your screen—70% is a passing score—and a report will be sent to RIMS.
New to virtual exams? Watch a demonstration:
Exam Fee Refund Policy
Failure to complete a virtual CRM exam by 12/15 of the year it was purchased will result in the forfeiture of the entire exam registration fee. If a CRM candidate decides not to take the exam and contacts by 12/15 year of purchase and has not accessed the exam, RIMS will refund 50% of the registration fee.
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